The following is the Participant Agreement that all participants are required to sign and abide by. To apply to live at Journey House, please fill out our online application.


  • No using, selling, exchanging, or talking excessively about drugs/alcohol. You hereby acknowledge you will submit to random drug testing (observed), breathalyzer, and room searches at any time. You will not use the sink or flush the toilet while producing a urine specimen. You will not consume any food or other goods that contain poppy seeds or alcohol (including mouthwash, vanilla extract, etc.).

  • It will be considered a “Fail” if you do not produce a urine specimen within two hours of being asked to, and you will be asked to leave. If asked to submit to breathalyzer and you do not do so immediately, you will be asked to leave. By signing, you acknowledge and agree to this. You will be provided a tip for your breathalyzer, and if you lose it, you will need to buy a replacement tip for $1.

  • You will not possess firearms, knives or other weapons and will not be violent/verbally aggressive.

  • You will obtain a primary care doctor and a counselor, and will make follow their recommendations. You will notify Management of all medications and dosages. You may be asked to store your medications in a safe. You will take all medications as prescribed. If your medication is having problematic effects, you will tell your provider. You may be asked to sign a release of information.

  • Adult guests of same sex permitted only in common areas and must be off property by 10pm. You must be with your guest at all times and are responsible for their actions. Guests, including children, who are disruptive to other participants’ recovery, will be asked to leave and will not be allowed to return. Minor guests only allowed if you are legal guardian or legal guardian is present. Adult guests of the opposite sex are not allowed inside the house.

  • You will provide at least 24 hours notice and contact information if you are requesting an overnight.

  • You will attend at least four pro-social events weekly, including mandatory house meeting(s) AND house activities.

  • You will obtain and maintain employment and provide Management with employers’ contact info. You will photograph your rent deposit receipts and will provide these to Management immediately. You may be asked to do the same with proof of income. You are not guaranteed any parking spot.

  • You agree to dedicate yourself to a strong program of recovery, and model recovery and good behavior for newcomers and others. You will connect with your housemates positively and meaningfully, and will encourage, support, and be kind to them and to all others in your new community.

  • You will guard your belongings and respect others’. Journey House not liable for damage, theft, or loss. You release Journey House from any and all liability that may arise from any accident, act of God, or other event or non-event.

  • You will keep your room neat and clean up after yourself. You will jointly arrange and participate in household chores, otherwise cable and internet privileges may be rescinded from the whole house.

  • You will not smoke in the house. You will ask for permission prior to introducing or installing any items in the house, and you may be asked to pay extra when doing so (e.g. electricity for AC ($20/month)).

  • You and other participants are jointly responsible for lawn care, repairs, and snow removal.

  • You understand you are made no bed guarantees, and if asked to switch rooms or beds, you will.

  • By signing agreement, you give broad permission to Journey House to obtain and/or disclose any and all information pertaining to your application, housing status, and activities in order to coordinate your recovery plan, and to gather or provide information regarding the following, but not limited to: appropriate level of care, criminal history, references, rental history, supervised release, verification of employment, income, etc. You give permission to Journey House to release any information for any purposes to your providers and other community partners. This contract / agreement serves as a universal release.

  • In first 30 days, you must be in every single night from 10pm-6am. Thereafter, curfew is 12pm-5am, and you may sleep elsewhere up to 5 nights per month, but only after providing Management with at least 24 hours’ notice.

  • You will perform a minimum of 5 hours of volunteer work / community service per month, and may be asked to furnish proof that said work was completed (e.g. signed and dated letters).

  • By signing below, you acknowledge you have never been convicted of arson or a sex offense.

  • By signing below, you grant permission to Journey House, its employees, agents, and partners, to record and use audio/visuals of you and your property online and elsewhere for any purpose.

  • By signing below, you affirm that you understand Journey House is neither treatment nor permanent housing, and you affirm that you believe this to be the right level of care for you.

  • If not otherwise specified below, rent will be $500/mo for double and $600/mo for single room.

  • Rent and $200 move-in fee are both nonrefundable.  There is a $25 late fee if full rent is not received by the 1st of the month. There is a $25 discount if full rent is received at least 7 days before the 1st of the month. If full rent is not paid 7 days after the 1st of the month, you may be asked to leave. Please communicate immediately any concerns as payment plans can be arranged for special circumstances, but only if you communicate in advance.

  • If you suspect any other participants of drug use and/or rule violations, you will notify Management immediately. You will communicate any and all concerns with Management. If you fail to communicate such matters adequately and promptly, you may be put on contract or asked to leave.

  • If asked to leave, you have 15 minutes to leave with all of your belongings. You forfeit any belongings that you leave behind, and they become property of Journey House. You may be asked to pay for disposal of abandoned property. You will change your address after moving out, and hereby release Journey House from all liability.

  • Most importantly, you will strive to be the best version of yourself possible. You will give your recovery 100%, and you will help others in your new home to do the same.


*This Participant Agreement may not be the most recent version.*